Upper West: Speaker Bagbin’s Statement About Eric Johnson Death

Alban Bagbin

The remains of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Royal Cosy Hills Hotel, Mr Eric Johnson, were laid to rest at Jira­pa, in the Upper West Region, on Saturday.

This was preceded by a requiem service for Johnson, at the Nayiri Park in Jirapa, which at­tracted a large crowd of mourners and sympathisers.

They included the Speaker of Parliament, Mr Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, members of the Council of State, ministers of state, Members of Parliament, chiefs, friends, relatives, and sym­pathisers,from all walks of life.

Eulogisingthe late CEO of Royal Cosy Hills Hotel, Mr Bag­bin said he was a man of humility, soft-spoken, soft-hearted, com­passionate and God-fearing.

The Speaker said Johnson made strides in humanitarian activ­ities, rendering sincere services to humanity and the nation without any shred of malice.

Mr Bagbin expressed his heart­felt condolences to the children and family of the late Johnson.

The Speaker said he was shocked by the news of Johnson’s demise, who he (Speaker) upheld as strong and kind-hearted, and was hopeful that he (Johnson) was with his maker.

The Speaker said: “we lived and touched the lives of each other. We know him very well, I have not witnessed a crowd like this for many years in this part of our country at a funeral. There are lessons for us to learn, don’t just concentrate over the mourning, let’s learn the lessons, and let’s learn to live together”.

He expressed his admiration for the large crowd, which con­verged at Jirapa, to mourn John­son, saying “this demonstrated the importance of good leadership.”

Mr Bagbin urged humanity to emulate the exemplary lifestyle of Johnson.

“We are here not just to mourn, but also to celebrate his life and to thank the almighty God for what he has done, the blessings he has given us, the blessings that Eric has shared with so many and

particularly to touch the hearts of the immediate family, particularly the children”, Mr Bagbin said.

60-year-old Johnson left behind three Children, Grace Johnson, Karen Johnson and Elfreda Erica Johnson and two grandchildren.

Mr Johnson, a businessman was stabbed to death by unknown assailants at his home on February 11, 2024, and was found in a pool of blood the following morning.

The motive behind the dastard­ly act is still not known, but seven people, including staff of the hotel have been arrested and assisting the police with their investigations


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