Attitude of Nurses in Wa: A Patient Slapped Me in Line of Duty – Health Worker

Masahudu Adam Jabagdao, Assembly Man for Kambali Electoral Area(left)

A Professional Nurse who doubles as Assembly Member for Kambali Electoral Area, Hon. Masahudu Adam has advocated against Nurses Sympathizing with Patients or feeling sorry for them, he Instead advocated for Nurses to show empathy by putting themselves in the position of those patients.

Mr. Masahudu In an Interview with Upperwestmedia Team Explained that in a process of administering some medications and other health services to a patient, he was issued a slap by the patient, he detailed that after the incident, he made inquiries to know why the patient slapped him and realized it was due to the magnitude of pain the patient was going through, he added that they have since been good friends after the issue.

He has called for his colleague nurses to be calm and portray professionalism in carrying out their duties during working hours.

“Don’t shout at patients or insult them, don’t tell them not to cry, if you were in their shoes will you be able to do what you are telling them to do, lets apply empathy and not sympathy”.

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